You can export details from your administration panel, and you can filter and export through your users for specific results - This includes -
1. User details - name, location, email address, date registered, date last online, mentor type (mentor/mentee/both), mentoring, mentored by, job title, goals set, goals completed, custom registration questions and responses and mentoring preferences.
2. Relationship details - last meeting, total number of meetings, mentoring since date, mentoring end date, goals set, goals completed
You can view a more comprehensive look at each relationship by clicking on 'View Details & Feedback' on the right hand side of the relationship - where you can export the following information -
2a. Relationship start date, relationship end date, last meeting date, total meetings scheduled, number of goals set, number of goals completed, number of messages exchanged.
2b. Overview of meetings - date, time, time zone, duration, meeting type, who requested the meeting, if the meeting is still pending, or was accepted
2c. Feedback- questions asked and the answers from mentor/mentee
3. Bulk Matching - you can export the list proposed matches by the PushFar system to review